Our Products

A value-added Range

Common vegetables with innovative and sustainable qualities which give them a strong added value

The Batavia Lettuce

A firm and hearty salad with thick, finely curled leaves which are flexible, crunchy and have a distinctive taste. Compact and abundant, Batavia Lettuce is easy to store, pick up and transport.

It is sold with its rote ball, in a biodegradable paper bag or in a light plastic bag  (≤ 4gr), which enables the consumer to examine the product from all angles. In both cases, the bags are customisable. They can be used to display environmental benefits, instructions for use, or a specific design – various options are available to fit your needs.

The Batavia Lettuce is also available in bulk (without a bag or root ball). The cool storage shelf life varies depending on the option you choose.

All options and features are available on the downloadable datasheet.

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